I am Victoria. Its a pleasure to meet you.
Mama wolf. Star-gazer. Dreamer. Creatress.
Ever since I can remember, I have been a seeker: artistic, curious, adventurous, and spirited. Growing up, I was enchanted by the natural world. I loved flowers, animals, seashells, trees, water, the moon. As a grew, I became aware of the world of energy and the interconnected nature of all things. Passing through the gateway of maiden to mother was tremendous initiation into my own primal power, and it was the key to finally weaving all of these strands together.
Fortunate to have been exposed to both traditional education and various different wisdom lineages, I have both studied at university and I have apprenticed with indigenous elders. All of my education has influenced me in positive ways and I pay homage to all of my teachers who have taken the time to share their knowledge with me.
In my work, I use an intercultural and multi-disciplinary approach to healing the whole person. I hold certifications in various modalities: Hatha Yoga, Usui Reiki, Sacred Childbirth with Reiki, Innate Traditions Post-partum Care, and Crystal Healing. I also put into practice my ongoing study of authentic midwifery, herbalism, TCM, Ayurveda, shamanism, evolutionary astrology, and more. I am a lifelong student on the path of exploration.
Working 1:1 with someone, I consider us to be equals; I have no authority over anyone else, and nor is anyone an authority over me. Everything I offer, from my personal care products to my services, are things that I have practiced extensively on myself. My commitment to offering safe and effective treatments is very important to me and above all, I honor your personal sovereignty in making your own informed decisions.
I am excited to share from what I have learned. Journey with me into the unknown and let’s see what we will discover!